Sunday, May 20, 2012

So here's the short of it, 
The house is pretty quiet tonight. 

And here's the long.

Cutie Pie has gone home to be with her family.  She's pretty excited to have her girls back in town.  But I'll have to say she was a delightful guest!  One of these hot afternoons this summer, I'm going to take a lesson from her and just go into the bathroom and stretch out on the cool tile floor.  It sure does look like it would be a nice thing to do on a hot afternoon

Mom and Liga were here for supper - and then Mom and I worked on some of the details for the family reunion for a bit. We got some basic stuff done.

Now everyone's gone; Sophie and Lola are in for the night.  The only noise is the hum of the washer and the dishwasher.  I think I'll let them hum me right to sleep!

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