Thursday, December 24, 2009

At the Halfway Point

So here's the short of it,
I'm halfway through my radiation treatments!

And here's the long

I have a long weekend from my radiation treatments!  Today was treatment number 19 of 36, so I am more than half way through this part.  One of my regular technicians had the day off today, so I had a young man working with the other tech today.  I realized that I simply must have no modesty left at all.  It didn't bother me at all for this young (cute) guy to be marking up my torso and lining me up with the laser while I lay on the table with  my disfigured breast exposed. 

I also saw my radiation doctor today.  He says that my skin is tolerating the treatment very well.  It is becoming reddened and itchy, like a sunburn, but so far I don't have any blistering or real skin degradation.  I got a sample of a special cream which I am allowed to use as long as I put it on at least four hours before my radiation treatment.  It is supposed to help with the tenderness and itching.  We'll see how it goes.  I have enough samples until a pharmacy opens. 

Liga was johnny on the spot to give me my Lovenox shot this afternoon.  I am ever so grateful to have a daughter who's able to give me these injections!  My urinary tract infection seems to be getting somewhat better.  The Azo Standard has certainly helped with the symptoms, and the Cipro starts working right away. I'd say that by tomorrow I'll be doing great.  My right arm is a little achy on the inside near my elbow, but except for that, it's hard to remember how swollen and painful it was from the occlusion.

Tomorrow we'll have a nice Christmas Day at Mom's with Steve and Pat.  It should be a low key and lovely day.

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