Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Getting Stronger

So here's the short of it,
I'm growing stronger, but am nowhere near my old self.

And here's the long

I continue to gain a little strength every day even though mornings are still so difficult.  We visited with Mom tonight and she was talking about waking up at 6:30 and just getting up since she was already awake, and I found that absolutely incomprehensible!  It may be that I need to take a knock out pill about 9 o'clock so that I'm ready to get up at 6 in the morning! or at least 6:30   or maybe even 6:55.  As it is, I can rarely go to sleep before 11 or 12, and even when I'm asleep by 10, I am so tired when the alarm goes off in the mornings.

This morning I was in one of our high schools for the first time this year.  Most of our high schools have students who help out in the office, and today a very lovely young lady volunteered to take me to the place I needed to be.  This is pretty standard procedure in our high schools....today I could not keep up with my escort!  Wow, that really hit me - I was thinking I was getting back to normal - I'm not anywhere near my old normal.  We'll see how close my new normal gets to the old one. 

This afternoon my radiation went fine, but it seemed as though it took a little longer to position me than it did those first few times.  The two young ladies who are the technicians treating me are just as nice and professional as they can be.  They certainly make what could be an ordeal a little easier. 

Tonight Cousin Mia brought some Taco Soup by Mom's so Alan and I went down and had a nice visit and some soup for supper.  It's raining tonight and we are watching/listening to Andrea Bocelli & David Foster: My Christmas on Public Television. We can hear the rain pattering on the roof and it's just a really nice evening.  What a beautiful voice Bocelli has!  He is noted to have said "I don't think one really decides to be a singer - other people decide it for you by their reactions."  I suppose that's true for so many of us.  Our life's work is shaped by the reactions of others to what we do. 

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