Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Continuing to feel OK

So here's the short of it,
I'm continuing to feel OK, and planning to just stay low and slow the rest of the week.

And here's the long

Today was a low and slow kind of day.  I had my radiation treatment and then up to let Lori give me my Lovenox shot.  It seems like I'm kind of at a plateau with the clot symptoms.  I told Lori about being able to see my blood vessels and she said that it might take quite a bit of time for that to go away.  The achiness on my right side definitely improved dramatically and quickly right after my first Lovenox shot, with another really big improvement jump the day I got the port out.  So I suppose this last little bit will come along at a bit slower pace.

This evening Alan and I went out to dinner with friends.  It's really nice to feel well enough to do something like that.  I've missed doing just the ordinary things that I've so often taken for granted.  I know that as the radiation treatments continue, I can expect to be tired.  But I'm thinking I can do tired.

I'm planning to sleep in tomorrow if I can.  I've got radiation and I'll be at the half way point for my Herceptin treatments.  That will certainly be something to celebrate!  Today when I was up in the doctor's office, they had run out of  Herceptin.   Apparently whenever there's fog it delays the planes arriving from Memphis, and there was a new driver who didn't have Dr. Schlabach's office on the priority list for delivery for some reason.  They were calling dispatch and trying to route the truck over while I had a nice chat with a Herceptin sister.  Since I've been going up to the office every day I'm seeing lots of different people - it is such a busy office. I'm thinking (hoping) my dose of Herceptin was on today's truck!

I'm looking forward to Steve and Pat's arrival tomorrow.  It will be good to have them here.  We'll all miss seeing Russ and Tina - they're heading over Miami way where Tina's kids are to celebrate Christmas with them.

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