Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Ramblings of a sick chick

So here's the short of it,
Rambling on about this and that and how awful I feel, although it's significantly better than yesterday, which was better than the day before! 

And here's the long

It was awfully hard to get to sleep last night.  The pain in my mid back and underarm was enough to keep me from getting very comfortable even with Tylenol.  I usually go to sleep pretty quickly once I turn out the light and put my head on my pillow.  I think these last several nights are hard because I can't sleep.  It has certainly given me a new appreciation for people who have trouble falling asleep on a regular basis. Of course, if  I would go to bed at a decent hour, I might have that experience myself.  Even as a very small child, I would stay up and  read as long as I could, often discovered by my Mom and being told sternly to turn out my light and go to sleep.  Often I'd give her enough time to get back to her room and turn it back on again.  Anyway, maybe tonight I'll be able to read myself to sleep and not be nearly as uncomfortable.  I've upped my dose of Tylenol, with permission from the doctor and that should help as well.

I'm not going to work tomorrow, I'll try to sleep way into the morning.  Dr. Gefter, today, told me I need to rest as much as I possibly can.  Wow, that was a relief to know I'm always thinking I should be up and trying to walk or do a little something.  Anyway, I have another Lovenox shot tomorrow, as well as Herceptin, and Radiation, so I do have to be at Erlanger by noon and can't sleep in like a teenager.

Right now I've got my feet propped up and am listening to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir on Public Television while just trying to relax.  I really couldn't eat much when I got up.  I somehow got myself out of routine and took my stupid medicine before I ate so I was horribly nauseated.  Alan just casually said, why don't you try some crackers (Alan to the rescue!) But that was about all I'd had to eat until I got home.  So I was pretty hungry when I finally got here late this afternoon. Fortunately a dear friend's husband had delivered some of her wonderful spaghetti.  I've come to think of it as a comfort food because it's something I've been able to eat through this whole ordeal! 

A piece of really good news - my surgery did get moved from Monday afternoon to this coming Friday afternoon.  I eager to get that step taken.  I can't help but believe that I'll start to feel better soon after. 
I so appreciate all the support I can feel, your thoughts, and prayers in whatever form they take nurture me so much. 

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