Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Feeling Good - Not Much Energy

So here's the short of it,
I'm feeling pretty good but don't have much energy. 

And here's the long

I'm feeling about the same - which is pretty good, but I don't seem to have the energy to sustain any activity. I'm tired, but not the sleepy kind of tired. 

The spot where my port was taken out is becoming itchy and a bit uncomfortable.  I don't have stitches, just those steri-strips.  My instructions are to just let them come off naturally - apparently they usually come off by two weeks.  I'm thinking my sensitivity to surgical tape might be what is causing the discomfort.  Anyway, it won't even be one week until Friday, so I'm trying to keep my hands away from the site.  It's only when I sleep that I tend to bother it. 

I had blood counts today.  My platelets and white counts are looking good, but my PT-INR counts have not improved.  I am to continue the Lovenox shots and the same coumadin dose until the office opens again on Monday.  They were talking about upping my dose of coumadin but since I won't be able to have blood counts done again until Monday, they decided to wait and check counts then.  My right arm is still a bit swollen, but I'm doing so much better! Today, if my counting is right I had my 26th Herceptin treatment.  That means I am half-way through the 52 treatments.  Tomorrow I have a radiation treatment and see my doctor.  I'm beginning to notice some of the effects of the radiation on my skin.  It's a bit red, it's tender, and in a couple of spots right over the surgical bed, it's a bit itchy from time to time.  All in all though my radiation technicians tell me that my skin is doing very well.  So far I'm not supposed to have anyting on it except corn starch, but tomorrow I'll ask about a cream, as I understand that there are some prescription creams that can be used. 

I feel like I'm developing another urinary tract infection, so I left a specimen and Lori called in a prescription for Cipro.  That should fix me up!  She also told me to start taking Azo Standard to help ease the symptoms. I'm sure glad that I got that reported before their office closed today!

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