Sunday, December 27, 2009

A lazy day for me

So here's the short of it,
I just spent a low key day at home all day today.

And here's the long

Today has been a pretty lazy day for me.  I slept pretty well last night, which is certainly not always the case, and managed to sleep until almost 10 this morning.  I still have my days and nights kind of mixed up; of course, I've always had the go to bed early get up late preference. I ran into a former colleague the other day and we spent a bit of time reminiscing about the years when we first met - teaching together in a high school that began at 7:15 AM.  He and I both wondered how in the world we managed that schedule for so many years, and both admitted that we never looked back when we moved on to a job at a late starting school.   Anyway, I have another week not to worry about having to get up to get to work on time, and I don't have to be at work at 7:15!  I'm so lucky that Liga is willing to do our grocery shopping for us - and does such a good job.  That makes a weekend day like this possible for me. 

The steri-strips from  my port removal are still in place.  They are beginning to curl up on the ends, but they're not ready to come off yet. They are itchy, and I'll sure be glad when they are gone! Tomorrow I start back on my once a day visits for radiation; I'll also see my oncology nurse and the lab to check out how my  PT/INR levels are doing.  It will have been four days since my last check which was not where it needed to be.  I'm hoping that four more days of both Lovenox and Coumadin will have made a difference. I have little small bruises all across my belly from the Lovenox injections.  Liga was concerned that she was doing something wrong, but if you google Lovenox bruises it's quickly apparent that lots of people experience this side effect.  It's also apparent from the images that it's often used with pregnant women! 

 Mom came up this evening to share some soup and a sandwich and to have a few minutes to visit.  She has seemed a little quiet the last two or three days.  Now that all the hoopla is over, it's lonely and quiet without Dad around.  As hard as it has been for me, his daughter, I can't even begin to imagine how it's been for Mom who was his faithful partner since she was so very young.  It seems that every day there is another reminder for Mom - a letter in the mail concerning a retirement account, a correspondence regarding insurance coverage for his time in the hospital, or a coupon arriving in his name from places he shopped.  She is handling it all in a way that's an inspiration for those of us who are around her. 

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