Thursday, December 2, 2010

So here's the short of it, 
I am Sophie's job.

 And here's the long.

Today at work, I was describing Sophie's reaction when I fell the other night.  I think I said something like ...she was really useless, she just kept walking around instead of barking or running off to get Alan like Lassie used to do when Timmy fell in the well.

My colleague, who is quite a dog person, said, "Lynn, she was just doing her job.  If you were a sheep and got injured out in the woods or the pasture, she would have stayed with you and kept the wolves and bears from getting you!"  That gave me a new appreciation for Sophie's response.  My sister-in-law, Myra and I were talking tonight and she and I got a good chuckle out of that.  For sure Sophie made sure no crickets got me while I was there on the laundry room floor!  Anyway, I'm pretty sorry for saying that Sophie was useless.  She was just a three month old puppy and I was pretty sick when we got her;  she took me on as her charge immediately.  She definitely thinks of me as "her job", however she defines that including sleeping right next to me every night and keeping guard over me when I've fallen and can't get up!

I actually had a pretty good day today.  Although there's just a hint of pain at the edge of my mind - mostly the Tylenol and Advil are keeping me pretty comfortable.  I have a knee walker and I'm certainly better at getting around on it than I am with the crutches.  I'm not very good with the crutches AT ALL!

This morning Alan took me to my office, and I cancelled my afternoon meeting that was somewhere else.  I've got tomorrow covered, so that will get me to the weekend!

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