Monday, December 27, 2010

So here's the short of it, 
Warmer weather is coming and company is heading home.

And here's the long

It's beginning to get warmer, the snow is leaving, and I'll have to say, I'm getting pretty tired of this hobbled existence.  I'm eager for my appointment with Dr. Robertson tomorrow.  I'm hoping to hear that I can have a little more mobility than I've had so far.  I'll have to admit that over the last couple of days I've not stayed on my knee walker like I could have.  Especially when I've been in the kitchen, I've spent some time "walking" on that right foot.  I'm pretty sure I'm OK. I just have this feeling that my bones are healing fine.  I did have trouble getting comfortable to sleep last night.  I'm hoping that tonight I'll get a better sleep. 

Tomorrow Russ and Greg head back south - Russ to Florida and Greg to Montana.  Liga is headed for a week in Colorado, and Alan and I will be right here! I'm glad that I've got the rest of the week before heading back to work.  If I can get permission to put some weight on my foot, I've got a list a mile long of things I want to get done.  We'll just have to see.

I had a great e-mail tonight.  Several years ago, we hosted Christina, a young woman as an exchange student from Germany.  Then the next summer, she and her sister came back and spent a few weeks with us.  We kept in contact from time to time but it's been quite awhile since we've had any contact.  Today I had an e-mail from her including pictures from her wedding last spring!  What a treat to be back in touch with her.  I'm looking forward to staying in touch. 

It's getting late here in Chattanooga - I think I'll head to bed.  

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