Wednesday, March 2, 2011

So here's the short of it, 
I didn't work today.

And here's the long

I spent the morning at the hospital with Alan. It was time for his routine colonoscopy. His doctor is a great guy. I taught his kid for a couple of years - that kid is now married and finishing up law school! It was nice to get a quick visit in with him. Alan had a great report! So he's good for the next five years in that department!

I took the rest of the day off since I had a physical therapy appointment in the afternoon. I'm making good progress with my ankle. It's getting more and more flexible. Ever since Monday, my ankle has been popping like a knuckle popping. My physical therapist says if it's not hurting when it happens it's nothing to worry about. So I'll keep on working on my balance, my strength, and my gait. I'm still scooting my feet some when I walk especially when I'm tired. But I'm more aware of it and I'm working on it whenever I think of it.

Sophie loves having me not working - she got two really long walks out on the circle today. That means of course I got two walks in for me too!  Hurray.  I'm back at it tomorrow, a pretty regular day - a meeting at the office first thing, an IEP meeting in an elementary school, check back by another school, then end up back at the office. I'm looking forward to the end of the day - a former student who now lives in Germany is back for a visit with his wife and 3 year old daughter. I'm going to have a coffee with them. I'm looking forward to meeting his family.

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