Sunday, March 27, 2011

So here's the short of it, 
It's back to work tomorrow.

And here's the long.

Well, it's just a few hours until I head back to work. It's been a good vacation. What a wonderful gift to be able to spend time with Shelley, Lou, and Max.  And how lucky to have Liga to stay here and take care of the home front.

I tried very hard to really vacation and not think very much about work. But tomorrow I have to hit it head on. The budget crisis is putting our department in the situation to have to make some very difficult choices. That will be the center of my attention for next week. It's not something I think I will write much about, because, because, because, but I'd appreciate your thoughts and good wishes that the hard decisions we have to make will be as good as they can be.

Lola has been enjoying her freedom today. I know she's glad to no longer be trapped up in the attic, and I'm so grateful that she's OK.  I have to say that I was really worried that something terrible had happened to her. Well, I suppose it's pretty terrible to be stuck in the attic for two days and not be able to figure out how to get out --- I'm not really even sure how she got in there!   Anyway, she was very cooperative in letting me give her a sponge bath to get most of the attic dirt off of her, and she's snoozed away most of the day, testing out all of her usual spaces. 

I love spring vacation; but tomorrow will really be here early!

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