Monday, February 6, 2012

So here's the short of it, 
Today was a long day.

And here's the long.

Each year we have to do assessments of every student who attends school even if they are not able to take the state assessment.  Today and tomorrow the teachers of our most significantly cognitively impaired students turned in their portfolio assessments.  This is a mountain of work for our teachers, that shows how their students are progressing toward meeting the goals that the team has set for them that year.  The teachers are always so stressed on the day that they have to turn them in.

This year, our lead teacher who runs the turn in process is in the hospital.  She was in  for a procedure, then she was back again, and then she ended up last thursday back once again.  Even though she was in the hospital, we had 4 or 5 pages of annotated instructions for getting everything checked in, checked over, and then set up for shipment to Nashville.

For the last several years that I've helped with this it's all been done on one very long day.  I think last year, we didn't get to leave until about 7:00 o'clock!  This year the turn-ins are two days long.  I think it will be better.  Most everyone was on schedule today - so we are in good shape, although I really don't think we're half way through.

I'm starting a prescription of Flexeril for my back pain tonight. I know it's supposed to have drowsiness as a side effect - that might not be such a bad thing!

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