Friday, August 10, 2012

So here's the short of it,
Had a great visit with little brother and wife tonight.

And here's the long.

Steve and Pat are overnighting with Mom on their way to Pat's 40th high school reunion!  I told her that there was no way she'd been out of school that long because I sure wasn't that old and she's much younger than me!

Anyway, they stopped to overnight with Mom and so we had a nice visit.  Mom made a wonderful garden supper.  Corn, green beans, and cucumber and tomato salad and salmon cakes.  From the stories she's told over the years I believe that Salmon cakes were something that her mother made fairly often when she was growing up.  I know that they often didn't have meat unless they had recently slaughtered a hog or had a chicken.  But there was a country store near their house and so once in awhile, Grandma would buy canned salmon and make salmon cakes or salmon patties.  We had them once in awhile when I was growing up -- but probably not as much as we have them now.

Alan came a little late for dinner, but we had a great visit over our dinner.  Mom is such a great cook and it's always a bit like being around the kitchen table where we had so many meals when we were growing up.

Steve and Pat are going to Victoria, British Columbia for their wedding anniversary and are going to have a couple of days in Seattle!  That will be such a nice trip for them.  I was able to share a couple of my favorite places in Seattle - so maybe they'll visit Pike Place Market and the Freemont Art District.  I'll be eager to hear if they are able to visit either of those places and if so how they enjoyed it.

It was really good to get to see them!

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