Friday, January 28, 2011

So here's the short of it, 
My foot's swelling and painful.

And here's the long

I had a long day today that started early. There was a special service tonight at temple to honor Debbie Friedman who died earlier in the month. She was a very well know composer and singer of jewish - I guess what I would call folk-liturgical music. We'd been planning to go all week long. By the time I got home, my foot was swollen and hurting and Alan was in the bed. His neck was really hurting. I took Sophie out for her afternoon constitutional, although I only walked once around because my foot was hurting too much to walk much. I came in to get us a light dinner and get ready to go and Alan came into the kitchen looking pretty exhausted. We decided that it would be a better decision to just stay home. I got into my PJs before the sun was down and got into the recliner with ice on my foot in no time! It was the right decision.

I'm planning to get myself in the bed early tonight.

Now tomorrow - I've made an appointment to have my first haircut. Liga's getting a haircut too, so we'll go together. I'll have to get Jeannie to give me an opinion about whether or not these curls will be around awhile or whether this is just a chemo anomaly. We'll see what she has to say. And I'm giving some thought to how short I want to go.

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