Thursday, February 17, 2011

So here's the short of it,
One nice day and I'm thinking of gardening...

And here's the long

What a day to be cooped up in an office!

It was almost spring like around these parts. And folks are overjoyed that the weather is so nice. All that snow was a bit much for this little corner of Tennessee. It made me start thinking about gardening and what kinds of things I might want to put in our little garden for this year.

Tomatoes for sure! Especially the purple varieties. The Cherokee Purple and the Black Cherry were so sweet and so tasty. I'm going to try Loufa again. Last year, I got big vines all over the place but only one fruit!  I'm not sure what else I'm going to try.  I was thinking that I might want to try some Swiss Chard this year. Dad always loved to do something new. And I've never grown Swiss Chard before. He started growing it several years ago and it was always a treat.  Mom planted some last year, and she was still harvesting it after the first couple of frosts. 

I was talking with a colleague today about canteloupe and she was saying that she'd recently had one that was really small and really sweet.  I haven't had any luck at all growing squash because of the squash vine borer problem here, but I haven't tried canteloupe before, so that might be a possibility as well! 

Oh wow - one nice day and I start getting the gardening itch. 

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