Saturday, June 4, 2011

So here's the short of it,
Tomato, Tomahto.... whatever you say, they are going to be delicious!

 And here's the long.

Today I got another row of tomatoes in!  The storms blew away most of the plant starts I still had in the little greenhouse.  Mom found me a couple of TFI's; I had a couple more Cherokee Purple; Mom gave me a start from a little yellow pear tomato that volunteered at her house last summer; and I found a little volunteer this afternoon when I was working on putting in that row, so I just planted it too! I've never planted a volunteer before - Mom (and Dad when he was alive) always enjoyed having a volunteer and seeing what it turned into.

I still have some Kumatos to get into the ground. I don't know what will come of them. You can't buy seed and they are only allowed to be grown by people certified by the Kumato people.  Most of the ones I seen appear to be grown in greenhouses in Canada. There's a big internet debate about them.  Some  people say they are hybrid tomatoes which means I won't get a reliable product. Others say no they are like a lot of the tomatoes that have been grown in Europe for a long time. I've read several different stories about how they came to be. I'm going to get a couple planted and give some to others who may want to grow them, and then we'll see what happens.

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