Saturday, January 7, 2012

So here's the short of it, 
Prior Planning - well, we'll see.

And here's the long.

Liga is going to spend a few days here with us while a couple of things get straightened out at her apartment.  It will be nice to have her around.

Today was a slam, bang, busy, busy day.  But if I've really done good prior planning, I should be able to stay in all the livelong day tomorrow!

Mia came over for breakfast early this morning and we had just a wonderful visit.  Then I had a massage with Kelly - I'll tell you she is an absolute miracle worker and I feel so much better!  I'm going to try for 2  times a month.  Maybe if I do that for several months, I'll start to get some more permanent relief.

Then we did a ladies lunch at the new Hibachi Grill - one of those endless Chinese buffets.  Mom, Liga, Aunt Joyce, and I had a great time.  Mom wore her sunglasses because her eye looks pretty bad, but she had a bit of trouble seeing since the restaurant was a bit dark.  Since we were seated at a table way in the back with not many people around us, she eventually took them off.  Some of the swelling and bruising is beginning to make its way down her face so her cheek looks a little swollen, and it's beginning to discolor a bit.  But we had a great time.

Liga and I spent the afternoon together.  We visited with Mommy Anne and ran a few errands over on Gunbarrel - then came home and got weekend grocery shopping out of the way!  That means that I don't have to get out tomorrow.

So this is the plan.  I'm going to sleep until I wake on my own.  These last couple of days have me whipped and I'm really ready for the sleep to come my way!

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