Thursday, October 15, 2009

Feeling Better

So here's the short of it,
Feeling better is the upside of no Chemotherapy.

And here's the long

Well, the upside of not having a chemo treatment yesterday is that I really feel pretty good today.  I was able to work, go to the cemetery with Mom, have dinner with Mom, take Sophie for a walk around the circle, and still have enough energy to go to an evening meeting.  Of course I'm really tired now, but I've had a full day.

This afternoon Mom and I went to the cemetery;  I'm so grateful that it's nearby.  We can really be from our front doors to the gates of the cemetery in less than ten minutes.  I think it will be a great comfort to Mom that she will be able to go whenever she wants to.  I know that it is already a great comfort to me to know that I can just drive by and see the beautiful grounds.  Those formative years when Dad lived on the edge of life and death honed his character and helped make him into the man he would become - the husband and father that he would become.   That service he gave when he was barely old enough to be called a man occupied much of his thoughts in his later years.  It may have only been when he returned to Belgium for the 60th anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge and was honored not only by the King, but also by ordinary people he met in the streets, that he was able to come to terms with the "awful things he had done."   He knew that his final resting place would be a place where that service would be honored.  He was comforted by knowing that. 

I am looking forward to a few very good days.  I have some of my taste coming back, so I may be able to enjoy a few meals, and I'm feeling well enough to work! So when I do get back, maybe I won't be quite as far behind.

I also think I learned an important lesson yesterday.  I really do need to stay in the now.  I don't need to get carried away by what I think is going to happen.  I'll go to my appointment next week, and if I can get my last Chemo so it will be, but I'm not going to be so anticipatory this time.

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