Friday, October 16, 2009

So here's the short of it,
At this point Chemo feels like cabin fever.

And here's the long

There are a few benefits to having my Chemo put off for a week.  I am beginning to be able to taste more things.  I even had a tomato for dinner last night and it tasted a little like a tomato.  For the first time since I started the Chemo, my diarrhea has somewhat abated today.  I was beginning to think that I'd have to live with that for the rest of my life!  This lets me know that there probably will be a time when I won't have to battle that.  I also have more energy - but I noticed today that it was really easy for me to push myself.  I walked up and down one flight of steps at the office instead of taking the elevator and I was out of breath and felt like I'd run a big race!  I'm really going to have to work hard on my stamina and strength after I finish up these treatments!

I've got a feeling that I would compare to the cabin fever that the old folks used to talk about - that feeling of just having to be out of the house and in the world with no artificial heat and no huge coats or layers after having been cooped up all winter long.  I have that restless feeling.  I want to walk up and down the steps without being out of breath.  I want to get my sleep schedule back to some kind of normal.  I want the bottoms of my feet to quit burning.  I don't want to worry that a little nick will result in me bleeding so much I have to get blood!  I want to NOT be so tired all the time. And I want to be out in the world with a normal immune system - I want to know that if someone sneezes or coughs I have those great soldiers in my body that will fight off whatever germs there are.  I want to know that my body is doing what it should.

This weekend, Sunday, Alan and I will celebrate our 22nd wedding anniversary.  Wow!  He's been such a trooper through this illness and my Dad's illness and death.  I'm really grateful to have him in my life.

1 comment:

  1. Lynn, I just love the way you share all your physical quirks...those are things that all people have in common at some point or another I guess, and it's affirming to everyone to know that many of us pee when we sneeze and cough, and we all have accidents and we all get impatient with our own recovery. Just don't overdo isn't worth the setback.

    Have you seen "God Said Ha"'s a one woman show by Julia Sweeney? You remind me of her.
