Friday, October 23, 2009

So here's the short of it,
Nausea, diarrhea, and sleep

And here's the long

I took my last dose of Emend this morning. Most of the day I've been in my bed - sleeping much of the time. I guess the Emend contributes to the fatigue and all.  When I got up to visit the bathroom or go get a drink, I would get light-headed and nauseous.  So I've made myself just stay in bed.  My whole body began to ache from not being able to find a position I hadn't worn out!  So about 6:30 or so, I came into the den and got into a recliner.  I've done OK with that.

I had an awful catastrophe with my diarrhea late this morning.  I was sound asleep and woke up when it began.  I had to just go get in the shower and get myself and my clothes cleaned up.  Yucky.  I think about how much personal dignity is involved in being able to control our own bladder and bowels - it makes me a little more humble. 

This evening Mom sent a plate - she had Russ, Steve and Pat, and Alan for dinner - and I ate a piece of cornbread and two potatoes.  So far so good. I'm so fatigued.  I can hardly walk from one room to the other without being exhausted, and I am so tired of sitting or lying.  I know that in a few more days, I'll start to feel a little better and a little better.

I'm feeling especially yucky that my brothers are here, and I don't feel well enough to visit with them and help tackle some of the issues that they are here to settle.  That might be another lesson I need to be learning in all of this.  I might need to learn to let go of things from time to time. 

I'm really tired.  I hope I can find a comfortable way to stretch out in the bed.  I've been up about three and a half hours and I really do believe that's all I can manage today.

1 comment:

  1. I remember when I heard that Farrah Fawcett had anal cancer that my first thought was that a person's asshole should work without any problems, ever, period. That's just basic. That point was reinforced with my mother's bowel problems and resulting colostomy. I hope yours gets back to normal soon!

