Saturday, November 21, 2009

Going out

So here's the short of it,
I had a partially successful trip out.  

And here's the long

Well today I thought I was feeling strong enough to go over to the mall and get some underwear.  It just seems like the right time! So I thought, I'll go to JC Penney's and just do this one thing and then come right home. It was the first time I've been out except to work or on an occasion or two out to dinner. Anyway perhaps it's fitting - but as I was downstairs shopping - I had a sudden  diarrhea urge.  As I said, I was downstairs and the restrooms are upstairs and over in a corner. I walked very quickly even up the escalator - well as quickly as I can with this neuropathy in my feet - and managed to get there just in time.  Thank goodness there wasn't a line! Someday this story is going to be funny I'm sure, but right now I hate how this diarrhea dominates my existence.  It's not like before - I don't always have diarrhea, and I am not going every few minutes, but just out of the blue this will happen.  It's not been a problem at work because there aren't many people in the building and the restroom is right around the corner.  I'm eager to get back to my regular routine at work, but I'm wondering how that will all work. 

I came right home after that one errand, and I was just exhausted.  So I sacked out on the sofa for awhile this afternoon.  Since Sophie's gotten her stitches out, we went out for a bit later this afternoon.  She loved being outside.  Charlie and Cutie Pie were both out to play with her for a bit. I managed to walk around the circle 3 times while she was playing - well I guess it would be more appropriate to say I limped around the circle.  In spite of my absolute weariness, I do think I noticed a bit more strength today.

This evening Alan, Mom, and I went out for dinner to the City Cafe.  We ended up sitting near the door and I got a bit of a chill.  As soon as I got home I got all wrapped up and by now I've gotten a little warmer.  My feet are about the same in terms of feeling, but I am beginning to have some shooting pain from time to time.  The pains aren't the disabling part though, it's the lack of feeling.  Well, I keep hearing that lots of people get better even up to 18 months after they've completed chemo.  I'm focusing on that!

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