Friday, November 27, 2009


So here's the short of it,
I'm feeling better and trying another neuropathy treatment.

And here's the long

I've felt stronger today!  That must be good news about my blood counts. 

It's been months since I've had enough energy to make a dent in the mess on the kitchen counter.  Everything that I put there has just stayed there.  Along with just a few things that other people put down.  Sophie's adventure with my medicine box yesterday was my incentive, so today I cleaned up the counter.  I didn't get out of breath from the exertion, and I didn't have to keep sitting down. It's not quite finished, but I think Sophie has been very disappointed the last couple of times she's tried to see if there's something interesting.  She apparently suffered no ill effects from the medicines and the glass shards.  She's going to be very disappointed tomorrow when she can't have all the whole wheat bread she wants. 

I read a post today from someone who wrote that foot baths and massage really helped her neuropathy.  So as I sit here, I've got my feet soaking and am going to give myself a foot massage before I go to bed tonight. I'm still taking the B6, I also read that I should be taking B12 - I'll get that on the grocery list too.  My right foot and hand seem to be worse than my left.  I could imagine it's because my port is on my right side, but I know better, because the end of the port is somewhere in the middle of my chest.  So I don't really know why that should be.  Today my middle finger on my right hand is really tender on the nail and all around the edges of the nail.  I know lots of people lose their nails during chemo......I'm thinking that's not what's happening after all my chemo is over! 

This evening Alan and I had dinner with Joyce and cousin Daniel, and then went over to visit with Max for a few minutes before he went down for the night. 

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