Monday, November 16, 2009

Radiation thoughts, and improving left foot

So here's the short of it,
I'm working, anticipating radiation, and my left foot may be a little better.   

And here's the long

I worked a full day today and I am so tired of just going to the office and working.  But then, I'm also just still so tired.  I so look forward to being back out in schools.

Tomorrow afternoon I have an appointment with my radiologist, Dr. Gefter.  He's going to do the mapping to get ready for the radiation.  I have no idea what mapping involves, but a couple of my radiation sisters have said that it's time consuming and a couple who have actually used Dr. Gefter have said that he is very meticulous and really takes his time to set everything up exactly.   Anyway, tomorrow evening I'll report on exactly what he did. 

I read a blog from another cancer patient who was undergoing radiation therapy, and she reported that the fatigue was absolutely disabling for her.  On the other hand, many of my friends and colleagues who have had radiation therapy mostly report that they did fine with it.  I suppose it is all very individual, and I'm very hopeful that I will weather it just fine.  In the meantime, I'll still be getting my weekly herceptin and having my blood counts run every week.

My feet are still pretty numb.  Maybe, just maybe, the left foot is a bit better - the ball of that foot is a little more tingly, like your foot waking up from being asleep. It also seems that I'm able to move my toes around a little more easily.  Maybe that means that it's getting better.  My right foot is about the same, and my fingers also seem about the same.  I noticed yesterday that the tips of my fingers are wrinkled up kind of like the effect when your hands are in water too long - except not quite so much.  I wonder what that's about!

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