Wednesday, November 4, 2009

So here's the short of it,
Neuropathy, low blood counts, and a runny nose! 

And here's the long

I had a Herceptin infusion today, and we talked about my neuropathy.  I'm going to spend another week on the Elavil. Next week if it hasn't improved, we'll talk about something else.  My dear cousin Jeanna, who has had her own great battle with Cancer sent me some good information about neuropathy today.  It was good information for me to read, although a little disheartening.  I tried soaking my feet in warm epsom salt water last night.  It didn't really help the numbness or tingling at all.  I've also had three or four instances today of just losing my balance.  Walking gets better after I've warmed up.  When I first start taking steps it's like starting out on feet that have fallen asleep, but as I walk it gets easier.

Today, one more time, I had my infusion in a vein instead of in my port.  And it will be a few weeks before my blood counts are good enough to have the surgery which will fix my port.  I noticed today that the Herceptin made me cold.  Alan commented that he thinks I've been cold several times before when I've had Herceptin. I'm going to start trying to chart that.

My blood counts are abysmal.  My granulocytes, which are the white blood cells that really help keep germs away are really low.  My platelets were so low that I got another Procrit shot today.  I should have known they'd be really low because my gums are bleeding and I'm bruising really easily - I noticed two big bruises on my arms and have no recollection of what might have caused them.  I still have specific instructions not to be in schools because of the risk of catching something nasty, especially the flu.  When my blood counts get high enough and the office gets the H1N1, I'll get vaccinated.  They haven't even gotten the vaccine yet though.  I'm going to work tomorrow, but I'll be sure to stay away from possible contamination.

I'm tired, but I think that I'll continue to get stronger now that I'm not getting the Abraxane and the Carboplatin.  The Herceptin causes me to have this horrible runny nose.  It's like tears running from my nose, and it happens at the most unexpected times.  At this point it's just annoying because my other side effects are so profound. It would be nice to think that there will be a point where it will be the worst of my side effects and I'll be more than just annoyed at my weeping nose!

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