Saturday, November 14, 2009

Sleep, Mom time, and neuropathy

So here's the short of it,
I slept in this morning, had some time with Mom this afternoon and evening, and my neuropathy is changing some.

And here's the long

I did try to sleep in today.  I let the alarm go off and instead of hitting the snooze button as I usually do, I turned it off and loved just going right back to sleep!  I had to get up about 3 or 4 times - Sophie didn't want to wait for her breakfast, she chased the cat once, and I had to make a bathroom trip - but I stayed sleeping off and on until about 11:30 this morning!  I wish I could say that it made me less tired, but I'm realizing that my tiredness really doesn't have to do with sleep, it's just my drug induced anemia.  Still and yet (as I've heard around here) I loved sleeping and waking and sleeping.

Sophie is acting as though she never had any surgery at all.  She has really got cabin fever and since we aren't supposed to let her be very active, she's driving us crazy!  Big puppy crazy!  Alan took her for a walk down to Mom's this morning to do an errand for Mom and he said on the way back as soon as they rounded the curve on the way back to the house, she took off running as fast as she could for the front door.  She was eager to get back home and annoy me.  Next Friday she can get her stitches out and we can resume letting her out to play with her neighborhood friends.  She is so much calmer when she gets an opportunity to go out and run like crazy for 30 or 40 minutes in the evening. 

This afternoon Mom and I drove Dad's truck and went down to The Barn Nursery.  Mom's making me a couple of hanging baskets and we got the stuff.  We found really pretty pansies, blue, dark purple, yellow and orange.  Mom's going to make them up for me.  She's got such a green thumb and I'm really going to enjoy having them. This evening Alan, Liga and I went down to eat with Mom.  She's working very hard to make sure that I am eating things that will bring up my red counts.  Actually I'm not really sure that what I eat will make much difference.  But tonight was soup beans (pintos), kale, roasted beets, and cornbread.  My taster still isn't back to normal, but I enjoyed the cornbread and the beets. 

I'm noticing some change in my neuropathy.  I don't have more feeling anywhere, but I am having pretty frequent shooting pains in my feet.  They are not horribly painful, but they are certainly noticeable.  My walking is pretty impacted.  I have to be pretty careful and I've slowed down considerably.  I noticed that walking up and down the steps at work is pretty much like trying to race up a mountain.  I have lost so much strength and endurance. 

1 comment:

  1. It was good to see you at work yesterday. Sorry I didn't get to talk to mother had a dental emergency and I had to get her to the dentist before noon. Hope to see you again soon.
