Thursday, November 5, 2009

So here's the short of it,
Chills and neuropathy

And here's the long

Today I've felt a little under the weather.  I am just so tired.  I guess that the low platelet counts and low hemoglobin are the cause of that.  I've been chilled most of the day and have had a nagging headache most of the day.  I just couldn't really ever get warm today.  I worked at my office most of the morning and then went over to the Central Office for awhile.  But I did go home a little early today.

My horrible diarrhea has mostly gone, but I'm still left with something that reminds me of the symptoms of  Irratible Bowel Syndrome.    One of my chemo sisters who is about a year and a half out from the end of her treatment told me that she still has to carry a change of clothes with her.  She has such an amazing attitude though - she says - look, who cares, I'm here and I'm cancer free!  I do hope I grow stronger and this symptom gets better and better. 

The neuropathy in my feet is certainly not getting any better ... unless the changing symptoms indicate that it's getting better.  Today my feet have been so cold even after I put on some thick socks when I got home.  They've alternated between feeling  numb and feeling prickly to a stabbing pain in my right foot on the top and sometimes on the bottom at the joint where my toes join my foot.  I'm hoping that it will just get better and better.  As to my fingers and hands - I've noticed that it's hard to get the right change or to pick up earrings, or to manipulate anything small.  They are not nearly as affected as my feet, so I'm going to go on the assumption that they'll get better faster and in the near future!

Tonight I'm sure grateful that my hands don't hurt like my feet do!

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