Monday, November 23, 2009

So here's the short of it,
A good punch recipe, and a sore thumb report.

And here's the long

Yesterday at the reception for Dr. Carver, they were serving a punch that is one of the few things that's really tasted good to me in months.  I asked for the recipe and so I thought I'd share it.  Maybe it will be good to people with regular taste as well.

1 part ginger ale
1 part 7-Up
1 part white grape peach juice

Well, that's it!  I decided to buy the ginger ale and 7-Up in small bottles instead of the 2 liter ones  so I could just make a little at a time.  Sometimes something that tastes good stops tasting good, so I'm hoping this one will taste good for awhile.

I had a pretty good day at work.  I had a meeting in a school for the first time in a long time.  It felt good to be out in my "old world".  I'm still awfully tired all the time - it's especially noticeable when I do any level of exertion like walking up steps.  I have started trying to walk around the circle (at a slow speed) a couple of times.  I get Sophie out so she gets a chance to run around and it makes her a little calmer and I'm guessing it must be helping me a little too. 

My neuropathy is about the same.  A new development is a cut on the end of my thumb.  I didn't really know I had it until Saturday night when we went out to eat.  When I squeezed the lemon into my water, I felt my thumb just sting like all get out!  I looked and there was a cut right on the end of it that I hadn't even felt because of the neuropathy.  Last night it was sore and throbbing so much I had to take some ibuprofen to get to sleep, and this morning it was all swollen.  I called my onc nurse and she had me take a picture of it and e-mail it to her!  I thought that was so great.  I didn't hear from her so I guess it will be fine with anti-biotic ointment and a band-aid and ibuprofen for the pain until I go in on Wednesday for my treatment. 

I have one more day of work, then I'm off for the Thanksgiving Holiday break until the next Monday; I'm looking forward to some Turkey!

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