Friday, February 5, 2010


So here's the short of it,
I am so glad it's Friday!

And here's the long

What a great thing to have it be a Friday evening.  Soon I'm going to bed and I'm going to sleep in a bit tomorrow. Even with one snow day and only a four day work week and 2  half-days of those four at the doctor's office, I'm so very tired.

Today I went in to get some blood drawn at the lab, and they told me that if I had time we could work in the bone density that I need to have for a baseline before starting the Arimidex.  So I did that.  The bone density test was a piece of cake. 

I didn't have to take off any of my clothes - not even my shoes!  Since I seem to have lost most of my modesty once I get into a medical office,  it was kind of nice not to have to disrobe!  I got up on the table and the arm moved down and took pictures of my bones - my lower spine and my legs.  Then they had me spread my legs apart and point my toes in.  The technician actually strapped my feet to a pyramid shaped pillow - I was glad.  It wasn't uncomfortable, but I wouldn't have been able to keep them that way for as long as it took.  Then finally she had me turn on my left side with my knees pulled up.  Then it was over and I was on my way.  It was pretty fast, even though I had to wait long enough that I ended up having to take a half day instead of just running in for a quick blood draw.

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