Monday, February 1, 2010

MD Anderson Mouthwash

So here's the short of it,
I remembered the miracle of the MD Anderson mouthwash.

And here's the long

Today I remembered that for awhile during my chemotherapy I was using MD Anderson Miracle Mouthwash for just about everything.  The problem is that it is only good for 30 days.  It's mixed at the pharmacy and then kept in the refrigerator.  Online I found a website which claims to have the recipe.  Anyway, today I got a bottle delivered and used it on these awful nose sores I have.  One of those ingredients must be a numbing agent, because as soon as I put it on I feel relief.  I'm going to have to get a small bottle of some kind to take in my purse for work tomorrow.  I'm sure it will make me more comfortable.


This is by prescription but this is the recipe:
Benylin 1120cc
Cortef 15cc
Nystatin Syrup 15cc
Tetracycline liquid 30cc
You shake it well. The dose is 10-15cc You swish and hold the swallow.
(Patty Jones)

I enjoyed my snow day.  I didn't sleep nearly as late as I thought I would, but just woke up naturally instead of being awakened by something. I got a few things done around the house and late in the afternoon, Sophie and I went out for a little bit. After our first time around the circle, Charlie came out to play with Sophie.  They are such good buddies - they run together, take turns chasing one another, jump on one another, roll one another over and generally have a good rollicking time together.  Sophie exerts so much energy and is so much more relaxed when she has the opportunity to go out for awhile and she especially gets a good run when one of the other dogs is out.

It's back to work tomorrow and it will be a full day.  I have to not overdo so that I won't be worn out by the end of the week. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Lynn.
    It's Donna Palmer. I am going to suggest that a friend, Deb Campbell, check out your blog. She has had double mastectomy and reconstruction and is struggling with the medications/neuropathy, etc. etc. etc............... She's probably your age or younger, with a MAJOR family history. Anyway, I think your journal might be helpful to her.
    It looks like you've finished a major leg of your journey. YES!!!!!
