Friday, May 28, 2010

So here's the short of it, 
 I'm feeling a bit under the weather and working really hard, but still should have blogged last night!

And here's the long

Wow!  My apologies for not posting last night.  I don't know how it got by me.  I worked right up until later than I intended to leave! ...and still left my work group finishing up the project we were working on.  Then I came home and grabbed up some stuff to go to a potluck dinner we were going to.....then home and I had to borrow Alan's computer to work on the project we were presenting first thing this morning and even then it wouldn't do what I wanted (grrr) ... my earache had been bothering me for days and it  just came on like gangbusters last.  I got a heating pad warmed up and then I went to bed with it over my ear - I didn't even think about getting my computer turned on or blogging. 

Today was the first day of summer vacation for teachers!  When I got onto Brainerd Road this morning a little after 7 the traffic was so light!  All those family members taking their kids to school were just parked at home!  I would guess by next week the traffic to day care and day camps will pick up and there'll be traffic on the road again. 

I started the day over at our central office and had a pretty good morning there.  Then on down to West 40th where I got a good start on a couple of projects I have to finish up.

This earache is really bothering me.  I went to the doctor late this afternoon.  My appointment was at 4:00.  I got there at 3:50, and they had me in the room by 4:00 and did all the preliminaries.  By 4:10 Dr. Johnson was in the office checking me out.  I love that - why did I spend all those years sitting in the lobby of my doctor's office for sometimes 2 or 3 hours!  Anyway, Dr. Johnson checked both ears and then laughed a bit; she said my right ear (the one that is not hurting) really looks worse than the left one.  I have an antibiotic Amoxicillin, and an anithistimine. 

Alan and I had a good visit with Mommy Anne this evening.  She is still at HealthSouth - the rehab place.  She seems awfully confused about everything, and her arm is pretty swollen, but her bruising is getting better and she had moments of great lucidity. 

I'm still not feeling so well.  Even after getting a dose of the Amoxicillin into me my ear is still pounding.  I'm going to go to bed and hope that by in the morning I'll feel much better.

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