Monday, May 17, 2010

So here's the short of it, 
Just thinking about schools of old. 

And here's the long

I spent the day working at the office at W. 40th Street today.  You know sometimes when I take the elevator up to the third floor, I imagine the days when it was an elementary school.  I suspect the 5th and 6th graders had classes up on the third floor, and they came in the front door and up those big wide staircases to their classrooms on the 3rd floor.  The halls are wide and the windows huge.  You know that in the springtime, the teachers opened up the windows and let the breeze come through.  I can just imagine the kids looking out the windows and waiting for recess.  Some days I think of the thousands of kids who came through the building --- I'll have to say though that other days I'm consumed by some detail of my own work and forget that the building used to be alive with the sounds of teachers and kids.  I have some very clear and detailed memories of the years I was in 5th and 6th grades.  I attended in big old brick buildings very similar to the one I now work in. 

Today was a good day.  The weekend was restful enough so that I had good energy all day long. 

I read an article recently  about why we can't sleep.  Apparently the computer screen, the television, my cell phone screen, the florescent lights in the house, the outside light we keep on that shines through the window, all contribute to keeping me awake late at night!  I read about a family who chose not to have any artificial light on after dark.  They said that they all slept better than ever before.  I also remember reading an article a long time ago about how scary the night was in the days before electricity was discovered!  Hmmm.

 At any rate, I'm on the computer with the light on in the room, and the television on, and I am not one bit sleepy!

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget elecromagnetic radiation and infra red signals generated by all of the wireless activity in modern appliances.

    Bob Edwards
