Monday, July 26, 2010

So here's the short of it, 
 I'm having trouble sleeping.

And here's the long

Sleep escaped me last night until nearly 3 this morning.  I tossed and turned and even though I was so tired, I just couldn't go to sleep.  For the most part of my life, going to sleep at night hasn't really been much of a problem.  So this is a little new problem I'm dealing with.  I have doctor appointments coming up in the next week - both my internist and my oncologist.  I'm going to talk about it with both of them.

Anyway, I had to be at work early - and didn't make it as early as should have.  By this afternoon about 4:30 I was working away at my computer and suddenly I felt myself pitch forward.  It reminded me of those pictures of babies - animals and people - falling asleep right in the middle of something.  I came home and after dinner I stretched out on the sofa to try and nap - but I got "the big eye".  That's what Mom used to say when we were growing up.  Sometimes she'd be up really late - or we'd wake up and it would be apparent that she hadn't been to bed and she'd just say, "I got the big eye last night".  So I didn't get a nap, I have an early morning again tomorrow, and I'm not sleepy yet! 

I have to attend a training in the morning.  I hope I can get to sleep and don't end up nodding off in the middle of my training!

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