Tuesday, April 5, 2011

So here's the short of it, 
Cancer and treatment

 And here's the long.

OK. This evening as I was out walking the Sophie dog, one of my Cancer sisters was out walking. She's in the middle of her chemo treatments, and we took a few turns around the circle talking.  She asked me what my chemo drugs were, and I couldn't remember!  I didn't think I would ever forget even the most minute details of my treatment!

Then Liga sent me a text and asked me when I was diagnosed with breast cancer, and I couldn't remember!  I didn't think I'd ever forget.  I still remember the details of where I was, who I was with, and what the doctor said when she called, but I can't remember that exact date like I thought I would.

So, I've gotten to that place. Pennie told me it would happen - that there would come a time when the details would fade.  I suppose that it may continue to fade, and there may come a time when I have a whole day pass without thinking at least one time about that year and a half of my life!

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