Wednesday, April 6, 2011

So here's the short of it, 
So - some get the money, some don't.

And here's the long.

Kids and teachers are making that last push this week to get ready for testing next week.  In two years we'll be doing testing every quarter instead of just one time. I think all this high stakes testing has wrung the joy out of teaching and learning, even though I do understand the need for accountability. I suppose that in some ways I think the every quarter testing will be better for kids than the all at one whack at the end of the year - well, I suppose.

I'm still wishing for that perfect cape and tiara -- needing some help with my saving the world job these days.

At least we are supposed to get some warm weather tomorrow. I'll sure be glad to get warmed up - even though I do struggle when the weather is really hot - so I'm sure not in a hurry for summer stuff to get here. But I will say I loved that it was warm enough - but cool enough to sit out on the front porch with Alan this evening while Sophie rolled around in the yard. 

Kranz and Superintendent Scales
Work is making me crazy and depressed. Our Chief Financial Officer recently left the system to go to work for a private company. He did more to destroy morale and pit people against one another than any other person in our district in my opinion.  I think it will take a long time for us to recover. Well it turns out that he did not have to work the required 10 years to begin to earn big time vacation days (like all the rest of HCDE employees)  Thanks to board members who questioned this!  If you're interested, then here's the story. In the meantime, we are having to cut positions, and are looking at every way possible to cut expenses. And there was no way that the district could afford to give the teachers - the front line people who bring it to kids every single day - a $500 one time bonus this year. I think our superintendent made a mistake to broker such a deal with Mr. Kranz without involving our school board. I'm expecting some unpleasant consequences. Of course in the local politics of the day, Superintendent Scales in not very well liked, and some of the new board members are really itching to help him go somewhere else to work. We will certainly see what happens. In the meantime, in the meantime, work goes on. Tomorrow I have some opportunities to interact with students - that should let me have a better day.

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