Thursday, April 7, 2011

So here's the short of it,
I have lots on my mind today - work, the funeral of Sgt. Chapin, and whether or not to cut my hair.

And here's the long.

Work is bringing me my fill of stress these days.  I've been a good soldier for lo these many years, but I'm at a place where my governor is about to shut down.  I know I need to pay attention to what I say, how I say it, and to whom I say it, but I'm finding myself more and more wanting to let loose of all that and just say some stuff. We'll see.  I have to get up and going really early tomorrow, and it's a Friday. If I can make it to the weekend and some rest, maybe I'll find my governor somewhere!

I didn't go to Sgt Chapin's funeral today, but I did have it streaming on the computer while I was at work. It was pretty amazing to see the outpouring of support from Chattanooga and the law enforcement officers from around the area. I hope that Sgt. Chapin's wife and children have some level of comfort from knowing that he was so well loved by so many in Chattanooga.

And finally, I've been thinking about cutting my hair. It's longer than it's been in years and I'm trying to think if I want to let it stay long.  I saw my hairdresser at a meeting tonight and she flipped her hands through my hair and said she didn't think I should cut it. So I guess I won't have it cut just yet. I think it will be more traumatic to cut it this time than it was when I shaved my head.  Jeannie reminded me that when she does cut it the curl will be gone.


  1. You shaved your head?

