Saturday, October 15, 2011

So here's the short of it, 
First day of fall break!

And here's the long.

So the pantry is cleaned out and organized.
One whole side of the kitchen shelves are cleaned out and organized.
Thank you very much Liga for coming over and helping with these tasks!
Grocery shopping is done a day early.

Tomorrow's menu for family dinner - hamburgers on the grill with sides.
We're expecting the kids and their dates and Mom.

Tomorrow I'm up earlier than usual on a Sunday morning. Alan is speaking at a Sunday School class at the Congregational Church, and I'm going with. I'm looking forward to the interaction, not so much the getting up.  I suppose I'm just one of those night owls - exactly the opposite of Alan who prefers to be asleep very early and then up a the crack of dawn or before!  I enjoy the slow wind down of the late late evening, and am really not ready for bed until midnight or so.

This was a great first day of fall break!  And tomorrow will be another!

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