Tuesday, October 4, 2011

So here's the short of it, 
Pennie - I'm thinking of you!

And here's the long.

On Saturday, I found 3 pennies on the ground. Maybe there are always pennies lying around on the parking lot of the grocery store or in the aisles and I don't see them. But I saw them this week - saw them and picked them up and put them in my pocket.
I've also been getting more pennies back in change than usual. Now I know that's true and not just a perception. One lady said, sorry to give you so many pennies, I'm out of nickels.

Then today, I had a question about something rather obscure and called our central office.  I had already asked all my nearby colleagues and everyone was as clueless as me.  I made a call to the person I thought could help and she was not in her office. So I was routed to two different people and then finally when the second person couldn't answer my question, she said - you need to talk to Pennie.  I'm going to put you through.  (Well she's a Penny)

Well, except for a little girl in the Dick and Jane basal reader series, I had never known anyone named Pennie until I met Alan's sister.  Now it turns out that there are several Penny's (note the different spelling) working for Hamilton County. I had just never really run into any of them in a meaningful exchange.

So Pennie - you've been on my mind. And when you haven't been in the forefront of my mind, something has happened - like a penny on the ground, a picture someone posted on facebook, or a person who can answer a question I have - that has brought you there for me to think about.

I miss you Pennie Pearlman.

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