Sunday, November 13, 2011

So here's the short of it,
Today was Green Tomato Pickle Day!

And here's the long.

Well, the tomato plants are up the garden cleaned up, and the remaining green tomatoes are now pickled.

Liga came over this afternoon and helped me gather up the last tomatoes and then get them cut up and ready to make the pickles.  We layered them up with some sweet onion and salted them down, and then it was on to the rest of the day.  While we worked on that, Valdis cleaned the plants out of the garden and put up the cages and stakes.

This evening after everyone left and the kitchen got cleaned up, I pickled them up and processed them.

There are 11 jars - the tall jelly jars.  I used a different recipe this year - (mainly because I couldn't find the recipe I used last year). They need to sit for a few weeks and then they'll be ready to try.

So here's wishing good pickling!

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