Wednesday, November 16, 2011

So here's the short of it, 
Today was a rainy, rainy - severe weather day!

And here's the long.

Late morning we got an announcement that there was a Tornado watch in effect.  Mom and Aunt Joyce were in Gadsden and getting ready to travel home to Chattanooga.  When I checked the weather map, the storm line stretched all the way from Huntsville to Chattanooga and on up towards Knoxville!  I was pretty worried about the two of them being on the road.  They said they'd eat lunch and then decide whether or not to stay over another night or come on back home.

Then at noon I got in the car and headed for a meeting in Ooltewah.  I got onto the freeway and headed up the ridge - and the sky opened up!  What a trip!  A couple of times I thought of turning around and going back and then I thought how little that would help!  There were a few cars pulled over on the side of the road, but I just slowed way down and got there OK.

In the meantime, Mom and Aunt Joyce left me a phone message that they were heading home!

Thank goodness they got home OK.
And I did fine as well!

The weather cleared up and we had a nice enough late afternoon and evening.
Thank goodness the rain, rain, and more rain was all we really got of the severe weather!

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