Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Getting Ready for Treatment Five

So here's the short of it,
Today was echocardiogram, short visit with Dad, work in the afternoon, a trip to get my glasses adjusted, and home for the evening.

And here's the long

This morning I slept in for awhile since I didn't work in the morning.  The echocardiogram is a simple ultrasound procedure.  It was really fun to be able to see my heart beating on the monitor.  I will have to say the gel they use is cold; I wonder  why it can't be warmed up!  Anyway, it was very easy and I'll be eager to have the results tomorrow.  The Carboplatin and Herceptin can cause heart damage.  The Taxotere can cause fluid build up in the chest (and elsewhere).  My gut feeling is that my heart is fine.  So tomorrow I'll get a confirmation on that. 

After the echocardiogram, Alan and I went by to see Dad for a bit.  He had his eyes open more that usual today.  He was able to focus on us and seemed to be alert.  Mom was there when we we stopped by.  She goes to visit Dad at least two times every day and often she is there three times.  She spent the night last night and came home very early, and was back there watching out for him and advocating for his needs. 

This afternoon I spent the afternoon getting some work done on my project.  It's ready to send out, so I'm hoping to get that done in the morning before I go in for my treatment!  If not, I'll be able to put it on a flash drive and bring it home and do it from here. Before I came home I went to have my glasses adjusted.  That may be the first just ordinary errand I've done since my surgery.  I've gone to the grocery store before, but it seemed so ordinary to go get my glasses adjusted.  It seemed like I got back a little piece of normal for just a little while.

This evening when I got home I had a chill, so I slept for awhile, then took Sophie out for an evening romp.  She is getting to be such a big girl!  I love to watch her playing out on the circle, especially when  the neighbor's dogs come out and they play chase.  It's so good for getting her calmed down enough to have a relatively relaxed evening.  When something happens and she doesn't get out, she can be pretty puppy wild.  Tonight I was sitting on the edge of the bed talking to Alan and she jumped up on the bed and laid down next to him.  I don't know if I was more startled that she did it, or that he didn't seem to mind. 

Tomorrow is treatment number five! If you have time at about 1:00 tomorrow afternoon, I'd sure appreciate you sending positive thoughts and prayers my way. 

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