Friday, August 12, 2011

So here's the short of it, 
Alan and I took Mom and went to see The Help tonight.

And here's the long.

 I really liked the book and I thought that the movie held true to the themes.  Mom noticed that some of the chronology was off. I noticed a couple of scenes that were really not connected well to the flow, but within themselves they were great little scenes, and I could understand why they made the final cut. The theater was pretty full, and I'm glad so many people are going to see it.

Alan says he's going to read the book now that he's seen the movie.

I understand that the woman who plays Hilly (on the far left in the photo) is Ron Howard's daughter!  I still remember watching Opie stroll down the lane with his fishing pole slung over his shoulder!  And now here's his beautiful daughter playing a really hard, mean, and very disturbing character!

Mom and I were talking about this movie and its portrayal of the civil rights movement. I certainly remember segregation, and I remember the TV images of Alabama, and some of the talk. But in Kentucky, in spite of all the talk, segregation happened without much violence. Granted some parts of it came along pretty slowly, but it came. Schools integrated pretty soon and as will happen, days of going to school together taught us over time that we are really all just people. Mom said that in 1957 - just a few years after Brown vs. the Board of Education that she remembered a black girl in her psychology class at the University of Kentucky. I'd like to take my hat off to that young woman whoever she was! I wonder who she was and what ever happened to her.

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