Sunday, August 7, 2011

So here's the short of it, 
Sunday, Sunday - a good day for me...

And here's the long.

The garden is half way weed free, and I have another great big batch of tomatoes. The Black Cherry tomatoes are really prolific! And they are so delicious. Even though I was back in the house by 11:00 this morning, but I still got too hot and for a few hours I felt pretty yucky.

Liga was working this weekend, but she was able to run home on her dinner break and join us for our Sunday supper.  The new scrubs they have to wear are gray, and they really complement her eyes. She seems confident and in a really good place. Valdis came over right after the pool closed.  He has gotten that deep dark tan that he gets every year, and his hair has lightened up. He's planning to go to school at Chattanooga State this semester. He seems to be maturing as well.

Mom came up for dinner and brought a peach pie that she made with the peaches she got at Linda's yesterday. It was just delicious and a perfect ending for dinner.  Her back has been bothering her a lot today - it makes her awfully uncomfortable.

Hoping to get sleepy before it gets too late - work week ahead!

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