Wednesday, August 10, 2011

So here's the short of it, 
I'm feeling very reflective tonight.

And here's the long.

I had a thought today about the choices I've made in my life and how each place along the way a different choice would have led to such a different life. There are lots of people who believe that there are parallel universes that reflect life outcomes should we have made those choices.  I even had someone send me a paper explaining the science of parallel universes once - they really do exist it claimed. I'd say the jury is out on that one. I don't know enough about science to say they don't, but I can't really imagine it. I can imagine that along the way I might have made different choices, but I can't see how those different choices would have played out. I can see for example that if I had chosen a different college, I might have been influenced into a different career. But I can't see what that might have looked like!

Anyway, did I make mistakes. Well, of course! And were some of them pretty big.  Well, yes!  Would I do things differently? That's a big one, because that would have changed the trajectory of my life!

Tonight after work, I went to Cumberland - Mom invited us to come to the Wednesday night "back to school" celebration.  Alan and Mom and I had dinner. Valdis was there lifeguarding.  Once I got home I had a call from Liga just checking in because it's been a couple of days since we spoke.  As I unloaded the car, I unloaded a couple of things for Max - he and Shelley will be here in just a few days.  Sophie and Lola are stretched out very near me sleeping away, and I have lovely thoughts of our visit a few weeks ago to see Daniel.

So my life trajectory has led me to this place - this wonderful, deeply complex place - here on Tuxedo Circle - just over the hill and a short drive from the office - yes - still wishing I would win the lottery so I could open my dream of the just perfect school - still wishing I had more time to garden - still trying to motivate myself to a better diet and exercising more - still thinking of places to go and people to see - still remembering growing up, going away, and then in some way going back home again. Still ever grateful to my family, my friends, and even those who are not for their impact in my life.

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