Monday, August 29, 2011

So here's the short of it, 
Wonder if I'll get hot coffee in the morning or if it will be warmish. 

And here's the long.

Our microwave started arcing tonight! Just out of the blue!

So it's not dead yet, but it's one of those kill it before it kills you things.  I mean who wants to start a fire or cause some other problem.  So there won't be any warming up the coffee in the morning. I usually keep the microwave humming in the morning, since I really like my coffee hot. I hit the coffee pot when I first get up - because I set it up the night before and Alan always gets into the kitchen and turns it on while I'm still trying to struggle into wakefulness. Then I pour a half cup or so and keep warming it up until I have a whole cup or more in my system. But I like it hot! I suppose I'll need to get a new microwave in the next little bit! Wonder which one is the best.

Alan is headed off in the morning for a few days of visiting with Pennie.  He's really looking forward to spending some time with her, and I find myself wishing (even more than I thought I would) that I could go along. But I'll be off and working by the time he gets started on his way.

I met our new neighbors tonight. Hunter and Vanessa and two of their boys. It's nice that the neighborhood is adding more children. We have a new baby across the circle and now three young boys next door. I'll be they'll liven up the place around here.  Now we'll see who buys the house on the other side!

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