Tuesday, April 27, 2010

So here's the short of it, 
 Still in withdrawal about my phone!

And here's the long

I was pretty busy today.  We had another work session with our state director today so our nose was to the grindstone until 6:30 tonight.  I missed my phone, but not as badly as I thought I would.  I'm missing my scrabble game with Shelley!

I hope that I can get over to AT&T around my lunch break tomorrow to get this phone disaster resolved.

In the meantime, I have been giving lots of thought to my issues with walking long distances and going up steps.  My neuropathy is still very evident, but is slightly improving.  I can walk for a pretty long distance, but I get tired easily.  The biggest two difficulties are going up stairs and walking on uneven surfaces.  I think the uneven surfaces issue may have to do with the foot neuropathy.  I have a doctor appointment next Wednesday and I'm going to inquire about my difficulty with steps.  I'm thinking it may have to do with my reaction to Taxotere on that fourth treatment cycle when I could barely walk.  Anyway, I'll check it out and see what he has to say. 

Tomorrow is Herceptin treatment number 9 on the countdown to 0!!!

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