Wednesday, April 7, 2010

So here's the short of it,
We spent a very happy first day in New Haven.

And here's the long.

How strange it is to travel after almost a year of being so house bound. Of course there was that one very short overnight trip to Nashville.

I'll have to admit I'm really tired - but I don't mind.

This morning Max got to play hooky from daycare so we could enjoy his company. He has such a sweet dispositon. His smile just lights up the whole room!

This afternoon Shelley introduced me to a friend from work who has recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. This sisterhood is so large - but the tide is turning in this battle. The treatments, although sometimes very harsh, are becoming better and better. There really have been such great advances. I find myself one more time thinking about how grateful I am to all the people who work to make better treatment a reality.

I was so moved by the opportunity to just spend a few minutes with a woman who is just at the beginning of her journey.  At this point I can know with great certainty that my breast cancer has brought me many gifts. One of them came today as I had the opportunity to meet another incredibly strong woman in a way that would have been impossible before now.

-- Post From My iPhone

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