Wednesday, April 21, 2010

So here's the short of it, 
 I'm pretty tired, but had a pretty good day and am looking forward to another one!

And here's the long.
Today was a long day!!

I was up pretty early especially since it's Central Time here in Nashville and I woke up on Eastern Standard Time.  The session I went to today only had four people in it.  Boy did we have a relaxed session with lots of opportunity to ask questions.  I also came away with some good materials for our teachers that I'm eager to share. 

This evening we heard Arne Duncan speak.  Tennessee and Delaware were the first states to win the Race to the Top Grants, and I think it was a kudo to Tennessee for him to be here and speak.   I was pleased to hear him say the phrase "and gifted children deserve to be challenged."  That may be the first time I've heard that kind of language come from someone in such a high position.  I am really hopeful that there will be more emphasis on meeting the needs of our brightest kids - even in our poorest schools. 

Tomorrow starts at 7:30 - if I want to go that early and can go as late as 9:00 PM once all the evening gatherings are counted in.  Tara is headed home sometime in the evening and Vicki isn't coming over until early Friday morning, so I'll have the evening kind of on my own.  I should be fine.  Since we aren't staying on site, the biggest problem is really not being able to go to a room and rest up a bit between stuff - but that will be OK.  There are plenty of places to find a couch or a chair and rest up around the hotel.  I'm looking forward to spending a bit of time in the exhibition hall as well.  I always love to see the new things on the market - and wish I could buy a whole bunch of them too!

I'm doing pretty well.  My back is really hurting a bunch, but I'm going to think that a good night's rest will take care of that. 

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