Monday, November 22, 2010

So here's the short of it, 
There is a genius working at Medline.

And here's the long.

I have been having such problems with keeping my knee wound bandaged, but I can tell that it's healing better because of the bandage.  The tape solution wore out pretty quickly; I just couldn't tolerate the adhesive even on the paper tape which is supposed to be non-irritating. The next thing I tried was an ace bandage.  It was pretty funny to wrap a big ace bandage around the "non-stick pad" because it didn't stay well and I had to keep adjusting it to keep it in place.  I started thinking that I needed to cut the foot out of a tube sock and use that, but it seemed like that would be awfully hot and cumbersome under my work pants, so I never got around to doing that.

Yesterday when I went to my regular grocery store - not one of the big box stores that has everything you never wanted - just my regular Bi-Lo grocery store, right there in front of my eyes was something called Curad Hold Tite Tubular stretch Bandage. 

This stuff is absolutely amazing.  Here's their own description of it. 

"CURAD Hold Tite is the perfect product for areas where tape
application or removal would be difficult such as elbows, knees, ankles, heels, etc... Made of rayon/polyester, this knitted elastic net tube can be cut to fit any body part holding both dry and wet dressings in place. Its soft open weave is low linting, does not constrict, and allows for maximum airflow."

When it comes out of the box, it's in a roll that they say is 5 feet stretched.  It's about the circumference of a large man's thumb.  But boy does it ever stretch! 

I put my own "unpetroleum jelly" on the part of the wound that's beginning to heal and the leftover adhesive irritation; then the part of the wound that is still open and yucky gets a generous squirt of generic neosporin ointment with a large "non-stick pad" covering it. 

Then today, I cut off about 10 inches of the Hold Tite, stretched it open, and pulled it up over my knee.  It is so lightweight; it doesn't bind; it doesn't slip; the bandage stays put; it doesn't cut off my circulation; and I don't have the skin irritation from adhesive.  Tonight I'll sleep in it - we'll see how that goes.  All my previous solutions didn't work very well during sleeping.  I think this is going to work well! 

So I think Medline, the company that owns Curad, has a genius or maybe a bunch of them on staff.  This stuff is amazing.  I don't know if I'll have any more leg or arm wounds, but I'm going to buy another box of it next time I'm there because if they ever figure out how valuable it is they'll probably double the price! 

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