Saturday, July 4, 2009

Hair and Governments

So here's the short of it,
My hair is gone.

And here's the long

Well, all that mess of hair falling out everywhere is gone! Valdis wasn't able to make it, and Liga was out of sorts this morning, so I just sat on the patio and cut it off. Alan helped me make sure it was even in the back. I suppose that I could certainly have waited a few more weeks before the big shave, but I just thought that watching it fall out every time I shampooed or touched my head would be more emotional than just shaving it off now - and also such a mess. So it's gone.

I'll have to admit, it looks awfully strange to see my bald self looking back from the mirror. My Mom and younger brother stopped by late this morning to see how it looks, and Mom commented that she always did think I had a beautiful head. Steve suggested that I talk to Ryan, his son-in-law who went through chemotherapy the summer before he and Lauren were married, to find out how to take care of a bald pate!

I've had such a good day today - especially in terms of my energy! I felt strong enough to visit Dad at Erlanger again. It's good to be able to see him.

I'm watching the Capitol 4th Celebration on television. How incredibly amazing it is to think about that time in the world when people began to believe that government derived it's just powers from the consent of the governed. What an amazing and revolutionary idea, and how wonderful that our forefathers and mothers birthed that concept into the world on this continent!


  1. Lynn,

    Wanda has kept me posted about you. All I can say about your hair is that when you have one of those dreadful flashes, open up the freezer, stick your head in, count to 20, and praise God you are BALD!! It ain't that bad, my dear.... more later after I read all about Lynn. thoughts and prayers to you........

  2. I think there is great dignity in the bald head of a woman fighting cancer. It says I AM HERE, I WILL STAY HERE, and I WILL DO WHATEVER IT TAKES TO STAY HERE. Just keep putting one step in front of the other. Know that you are loved and supported, even by those who can't stand next to you. Know also that you continue to teach us all each day and each decision you make. We love you very much.
    Marhgie, Tim, Alice, and Matthew.

  3. Dear Lynn,
    I've been following your states of being and thought I'd tell you some hair stories.
    I have had a fantasy of shaving my head since some time in college, I think. I wanted to know if I had the courage to let all vanity fall away. I didn't have the courage to see if I had the courage.
    Sue and I were playing "radio" once (when we were 3 or 4) and got bored and decided to cut our hair (first time). So I said, 'Let me cut yours first and then I'll let you cut mine.' So I cut one side of Sue's just above the ear. She got a little anxious and suggested that she should cut part of mine. I said "No." Joyce and Frances came in to see what we were doing and both of them started crying. (Weeping all the way), they took us over to the old post office building to show Grandma our hair. She laughed, I think, and told them to stop crying and bring her the scissors. She gave both of us haircuts--very short ones.
    In the fall of 1980, when Grandpa died, I went back to NYC from the funeral for my first day of my first full time academic job. It was a day of disasters--one of the worst was that in the middle of my styling job, my hair dryer caught on fire. So I had partly wet, partly singed, and partly styled hair for my first day of teaching.

    More seriously--and not about hair--the LA Times has a health section every Monday. Today the featured article was on the development of vaccines for cancer, not for cancer prevention, but for therapy. The link is,0,6487100.story. I could also send you the health section.

    Take care of yourself.
    Love, Ann

  4. Arlene CunninghamJuly 7, 2009 at 7:18 PM

    Hey Lynn, I remember when my sister had to shave her head. She looked so much like my father that we just called her dad. I took her to Detroit to see her daughter. She walked around with her bald head. We got her some pretty earrings and I thought she was beautiful. It has come back extremely curly and dark. We are praying for you and your dad. Glad you are having some good days. Hang in there!!! Keep a positive attitude because that will bring you through.
    Take care and let me know if I can do anything.
