Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Still Managing!

So here's the short of it,
Another day close to home managing side effects.

And here's the long

I haven't been sleeping all day like I did yesterday, but I have stayed really close to the house (make that bathroom) as I work on managing my diarrhea! I am so much better than after the first big chemo treatment and I am so grateful for that. I know exactly what to take and how soon to take it. I'm learning to rely on the BRAT diet (bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast) and a recipe for fluff that my oncology nurse gave me. She actually called another patient for the recipe last Friday while I was having my treatment! My nausea has pretty much abated. There is just a hint of it around - just enough to make me feel yucky, but nothing like before. I'm also dealing with lots of gas - the burping variety. It's so charming! I do have something to take for that as well, but it doesn't entirely keep it subdued.

I've not eaten much for two days - I'm trying to make sure that I get plenty to drink - they'll check my electrolytes Friday along with all the other blood work they do - but I feel like I'm doing OK in that regard. I am managing popsicles along with the BRAT stuff, as well as other liquids.

I have tried to do some work off and on today, but it makes me a bit woozy to look at the computer screen - here's hoping tomorrow will be a better day for getting one more little piece done.

1 comment:

  1. You can set Shoutcast on your computer to gentle music. It's free. Let your computer do some work for YOU for a change. I hope your kitty is terrific at cuddling, I so want to hug you--do something truly helpful. I watched the movie about the doctor who first tested herceptin "Living Proof" which was available at Redbox just to be that much more "in touch" with you. Diaper liners are great for faster and neater clean-up. I had a 6 foot MR brother. They're like handy wipes, thin, easy to discard. --Katherine
